Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Mitochondrial Eve

 Mitochondrial Eve was the woman from whom all living humans today descend. Because all mitochondrial dna  is  passed from mother to offspring all mitochondrial dna  in every living person is directly descended from hers. Mitochondrial Eve is the female counterpart of male "Adam." None of the female contemporaries of the "Mitochondrial Eve" have descendants living now in an unbroken female line.

Winslow: My Sunflower

It's fair to say I'm not a gardener, but I must have had somewhat of a green thumb to get my sunflower to spout a bud. When I was first given Winslow, my sunflower, I placed it in a cup with soil and when I got back to my apartment I filled it with water and sat it in my window sill. It initially didn't bud, which I thought was odd. After 4-5 days I finally saw some life and knew my plant had survived. After watering it every few days it has slowly grown from a bud to this almost a foot long green thing! I more than likely won't take it home for summer, so more than likely I'll plant it outside of my apartment at Winship 1934 and hope it grows enough over the summer to continue its journey.

Animal Testing

Animal testing is also known as animal experimentation, animal research, and in vivo testing. Basically it's the testing of non-human living animals. After the testing is complete the animals are usually euthanized and approximately 50-100 million different types of vertebrate species are used annually. Animal testing is done in many places and is usually used for knowlege of biology, genetics, and behavior studies. As far as my opinion on the matter, I'm well aware that it is mainly used to see the effects of products and drugs on these animals in comparison to what it would do to humans; however, I find it hard to support or deny it because it is a positive thing, but I also have a heart for animals as well.


Standard Operating Procedure
Krista Kennedy & Jordan Perrine & Elbert Beekman

Sending a Text Message

1.0   Scope and Application

1.1   This procedure is used for sending information to another human being via cellular technology through a text message.

2.0   Summary of Method

2.1   Sending a text message will ensure that the person receiving the message will have a record of the information you wish for them to know.

3.0   Inter References

3.1   N/A

4.0   Apparatus and Materials

4.1   One activated cellular device(of any provider.. Sprint, AT&T, Verizon Wireless, etc)

4.2 Another activated cellular device carried by the person who wish to receive the information(again, of any provider)
4.3 Both devices must have some sort of text messaging provided on their cellular contract

5.0   Procedure

5.1   Turn on cell phone

5.2   From the home page click the button/part of screen that says "Menu"

5.3   From the menu, find the selection entitled "Messaging/Text Messages"

5.4   From the Text Message/Messaging menu, select create new text

5.5   In the slot labeled "To" type the number of the person's activated device who wish to send the information to

5.6   In the slot labeled "Add text" apply your cursor and begin using the keypad/number pad/or emotion icons/pictures to send the information you wish the other person to receive (ex. Hi)

5.7   Check to make sure the information typed is what you wish to send/ the number you wish to send the information to and click the button that says "Send"

5.8   Wait for the screen on your device to confirm your sent message

6.0   Quality Control

6.1   The end result should be a sent message with the information you provided to tell the person on the other line.

Precambrian Animals!

Fossil collection about 750 mil years ago is associated with the Precambrian time period. The only multicellular animals at this time were in the ocean. To this day there are a few animals that have evolved and made it into modern species... animal groups such as jellyfish and annelids. So far nothing has been discovered to be living on land at that time

Inductive vs. Deductive Reasoning!

Inductive Reasoning: described as moving from the specific to the general


Deductive Reasoning: described as beginning with general information and moving toward specific information

 Any inductive reason can be expressed with deduction, and any deductive reason can be expressed with induction

Burgess Shale

In Class we have been learning about the Burgess Shale and after messing around on google earth I've learned that The Burgess Shale is one of the finest places to find fossils and it is located in British Columbia, Canada. In the post below I also found my house in Marietta on google earth while I was getting used to the program (:

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Types of Communication/Exploring Google Earth!

Throughout history there have been many different kinds of communication some of the most prominent being verbal and written communication, but with communication there is always the possibility of misunderstand. An example that we have talked about in class is the situation with the captain of the situation with the captain of the cruise ship in Italy. When watching the coverage and translations of the wreckage, some major points had been lost in the translation leading to some misunderstanding. 

Getting used to google earth.... here's my house!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Ways humans convey information can come from a variety of ways. Not only can speech be a way, but speech has many components. The tone of our voice, choice of vocabulary, body language, how loud of soft we speak or even body movements combined with the words we say. Without speech, we can speak with actions, expressions, body movements, sign language and emotions. And without our bodies we can speak with all sorts of technology. In today's society you can send messages with phones, cell phones, computers, emails, social networks, pagers, and much more.